Casement Execution 03.August.1916
Today we remember one of Ireland's great heros. On the 03 August 1916; Roger Casement was executed for his role in the 1916 Easter Rising. The last Rebel leader to be executed for the 1916 rebellion. From our archives I have selected the Evening Herald's front page. Read below for an extract from the Evening Herald 03 August 1916 and download the full page below:
Evening Herald 03.August.1916 Extract:
Remarkable Incident at the Inquest —"Monstrous Act of Indecency'
THE SENTENCE OF DEATH BY HANGING passed on Roger David Casement for high treason was carried out this morning at Pentonville Prison, London, at nine o'clock. Casement died a " splendid Catholic death," and his last thoughts were for Ireland –
“ I die for my country,” he announced before the last dreadful scene.
He showed no outward signs of nervousness, but went to the scaffold
"strong and erect." The tolling of the prison bell, announcing that the execution had taken place, was received outside by cheering "mostly from children," but at the back of the prison a number of his countrymen, members of the London Gaelic League, knelt down on the street and offered prayers for the repose of Casement's soul.
"INTO THY HANDS, 0 LORD, I COMMEND MY SPIRIT" were Casement's final words before Ellis, the hangman, carried out the execution. Our London correspondent wires:—Mr. Gavan Duffy informed an "Evening Herald" representative this morning that the Home Office refused him permission to be present at Casement’s execution, and also refused to hand over Casement's body to the relatives.
At the inquest on Casement's body Mr. Gavan Duffy, the solicitor, described as a
"monstrous act of indecency" the refusal of the Home Office to hand over the body to the relatives. Replying to Mr. Duffy, the prison doctor stated that he saw no signs of insanity on Casement during his incarceration.
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Evening Herald Page 1 03.08.1916